Aprende a elaborar los mejores panes de masa madre, desde cero, de manera práctica y sin errores.

black and white bed linen

Cursos de Panadería Artesanal con masa madre

Aprende a crear los mejores panes de masa madre con nuestros cursos en línea. Te daremos todos los secretos para hacer panes fáciles como todo un profesional.

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Bienvenidos a Paneamore Academy

En Paneamore Academy, ofrecemos cursos de panadería artesanal de masa madre para que aprendas a crear los mejores panes desde casa. Te daremos los mejores tips para que tus panes llamen la atención y deslumbren por su sabor.

Nuestra Misión

Nos dedicamos a enseñar técnicas de panadería artesanal, brindando herramientas y conocimientos para que puedas disfrutar del arte de hacer pan en casa.

Cursos de Panadería

Aprende a hacer pan artesanal con nuestros cursos online de masa madre y mejora tus habilidades.

Curso de Pan artesanal de masa madre

Aprende a crear una masa madre desde cero, sin errores ni complicaciones, te diremos los principales errores que la mayoría comete, pero nadie te dice. Te enseñaremos a realizar una masa con o sin amasadora, las diferentes técnicas de leudado, como dar forma a tus panes y los diferentes métodos de horneado para obtener uno de los panes más saludables que existen.

Five slices of rustic sourdough bread are placed on a wooden cutting board. The bread has a crusty exterior with a slightly burnt section and a porous, airy interior. The background features a textured, gray stone surface.
Five slices of rustic sourdough bread are placed on a wooden cutting board. The bread has a crusty exterior with a slightly burnt section and a porous, airy interior. The background features a textured, gray stone surface.


Several loaves of artisanal bread with a rustic, golden-brown crust. The bread features a dusting of flour and visible seeds embedded in the crust, creating a textured appearance.
Several loaves of artisanal bread with a rustic, golden-brown crust. The bread features a dusting of flour and visible seeds embedded in the crust, creating a textured appearance.
Several round loaves of rustic bread with a crusty, flour-dusted surface. The bread features deep scoring patterns and an artisanal appearance.
Several round loaves of rustic bread with a crusty, flour-dusted surface. The bread features deep scoring patterns and an artisanal appearance.
A rustic loaf of bread with a golden-brown crust sits on a wooden board against a burlap background. The bread is oval-shaped with visible scoring on the top, giving it an artisanal appearance.
A rustic loaf of bread with a golden-brown crust sits on a wooden board against a burlap background. The bread is oval-shaped with visible scoring on the top, giving it an artisanal appearance.

Descubre nuestros cursos de panadería artesanal y masa madre.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Los cursos de paneamore academy transformaron mi habilidad en panadería. ¡Los mejores panes que he hecho!

María Hilda

A rustic loaf of bread with a crusty, patterned top sits in a round baking dish lined with parchment paper. The loaf has a golden-brown color with a flour-dusted surface, showcasing a homemade, artisanal appearance.
A rustic loaf of bread with a crusty, patterned top sits in a round baking dish lined with parchment paper. The loaf has a golden-brown color with a flour-dusted surface, showcasing a homemade, artisanal appearance.

Aprendí técnicas increíbles en paneamore. Ahora hago pan de masa madre que encanta a todos.

Juan Valdez

Close-up of freshly baked artisan bread with a golden-brown crust and a dusting of flour. The bread features deep cuts or slashes on the surface, highlighting its rustic texture.
Close-up of freshly baked artisan bread with a golden-brown crust and a dusting of flour. The bread features deep cuts or slashes on the surface, highlighting its rustic texture.