Bienvenidos a Paneamore Academy

Descubre el arte de la panadería artesanal con nuestros cursos online de masa madre y transforma tu pasión en deliciosos panes.

A rustic, round loaf of artisan bread rests on a wooden cutting board. The bread features a well-baked, crusty exterior with scoring patterns on top, and its warm brown tones are highlighted by soft, natural lighting, creating dramatic shadows.
A rustic, round loaf of artisan bread rests on a wooden cutting board. The bread features a well-baked, crusty exterior with scoring patterns on top, and its warm brown tones are highlighted by soft, natural lighting, creating dramatic shadows.



años en panadería

Aprende hoy

Los cursos de Paneamore Academy me enseñaron a hacer panes artesanales deliciosos y saludables. ¡Altamente recomendados!

María López

A rustic loaf of bread with a crispy, textured crust rests beside a serrated knife on a gray, textured surface. The bread features a pattern of flour dusting, highlighting its artisanal nature.
A rustic loaf of bread with a crispy, textured crust rests beside a serrated knife on a gray, textured surface. The bread features a pattern of flour dusting, highlighting its artisanal nature.
A rustic loaf of bread with a crusty, golden-brown exterior sits on a wooden table. The bread is sliced to show a soft, airy interior, revealing large bubbles indicative of an artisanal baking style. In the foreground, there are wheat stalks, and a sunlit, blurred background gives a warm, natural feel.
A rustic loaf of bread with a crusty, golden-brown exterior sits on a wooden table. The bread is sliced to show a soft, airy interior, revealing large bubbles indicative of an artisanal baking style. In the foreground, there are wheat stalks, and a sunlit, blurred background gives a warm, natural feel.



Nuestra academia se encuentra en el corazón de nuestra panadería artesanal, ofreciendo cursos en línea para aprender a hacer panes de masa madre y muchos más tipos proximamente.


Blvd Moctezuma, 2156, Los Pinos, Saltillo Coahuila México, 25198


Lunes a domingo 8 am a 9 pm